
Hi there! I'm grateful that you'd like to contribute to this project. Your help is essential for keeping it great. I promise to try to be kind and considerate with any PR or Issues you make. Please read and follow these instructions to ensure that your contribution is as meaningful as possible:

Reporting Issues

Before opening an issue, please search the issue tracker to make sure your issue hasn't already been reported. I use it, and mainly its label feature to keep track of bugs and improvements to child-shell itself, its examples, and its documentation. I encourage you to open issues to discuss improvements, architecture, theory, internal implementation, etc. If a topic has been discussed before, I will ask you to join the previous discussion.


The following is a detailed list of all npm scripts that will help you develope to child-shell:

ScriptUsed forSnippetCommand


bootstrap .

$ npm i


remove all dist dirs

$ npm run clean

npx rimraf **/dist


clean .

$ npm run clean:all

run-p -ln clean clean:cache


make the code look sexy

$ npm run format

prettier --write '**/*.{js,ts,md}' --ignore-path .gitignore


find potential bugs

$ npm run lint

eslint . --cache --fix --ext js,ts --ignore-path .gitignore


run UTs

$ npm test



watch UTs

$ npm run test:watch

npm test -- --watch


get coverage numbers

$ npm run test:cov

npm test -- --coverage


just build

$ npm run build

tsc --build


start playground

$ npm start

run-s -ln build start:playground

Sending a Pull Request

The workflow looks like this:

  • Open a new issue in the issue tracker.

  • Fork the repo.

  • Create a new feature branch based off the master branch.

  • Make sure all tests pass and there are no linting errors.

  • Submit a pull request, referencing any issues it addresses.

Please try to keep your pull request focused in scope and avoid including unrelated commits. After you have submitted your pull request, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible and may suggest some changes or improvements.


Improvements to the documentation are always welcome. You can find them in the docs path. I use Docusaurus to build the documentation website. The website is published automatically whenever the master branch is updated.


Thank you for contributing :)

Last updated